This was taken on our very last day with Mr.Levin Wong- Finite Maths Lecturer who is thirty and respectively married with two kids.^^ Or so he says.

Really thank GOd for putting such friendly and simple-minded people in my college life.
Everyday is a day of fun-ness and joy!!! Well, exams is an exception. aha but so far, okla.
Foundation is far from stressful. For now that is.
ANyways, I just got back from YC CAMP 2008!!! Live.Revolution was without doubt one of the most life-revolutionary camps I've been to!!!! God's presence was super overwhelming at camp!!! ANd being just us YCians minus the usual Aussie guest speakers, large suffocating crowd, mundanely boring PeaceHaven food, new faces, performance night and hyped-up end to every session simplified everything and helped us to refocus all our thoughts and attention towards the one true thing that matters- our relationship with GOd.
I pray and hope with all my heart that the revoltuion would not just stop there but continue to live in the hearts of everyone in YC;to began to ring true through our thoughts and actions and passed on to many others.
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