Sunday, January 20, 2008

Life In Denmark

I awoke and sat up straight abruptly; startled by the sudden change of air pressure and loud noises coming from the engines of the plane. In a string of seconds, the plane began to move at sudden speed; greatly reducing its height from the ground, then it paced out slowly and gradually came to a halt.

Within minutes,I found myself on new unfamiliar ground. A huge drop in temperature. New fresh air. A new sight to behold. It was the start of a new beginning- my life in Denmark.

The first week was fine and rather exciting. Since I was their newest and longest guest they showered me with undeserved attention and favour.I mean, really, they sacrifice most of their precious time just for me!!!!

Everything was so different in Denmark. At times, it was completely the opposite from the Malaysian way of life.

Take the petrol station for example, in Denmark, you gotta pump your petrol before going in to pay for it. And no, they don't fuel up their car and hit it. And they take seatbelts seriously. The toilets are squeky clean.(yeala pointless to compare msia toilets) and eventhough you get to call evryone by their first name, manners play a role in every family!

Well, the Danish are definately more civilised.

Ok, so on the 8th Dec 2007, the five of us chosen YEs exchanged handshakes and set off for a country beyond our Malaysian imagination!
The smartly-attired asian gang: me, han ning,hui yin,han yang and our leader- jun king

I stayed in a little town called Ulstrup( ool stoop). Heh Danish writing can be decieving!! Well doesn't help that their ABCs are all wrong and funny sounding. What you read is nothing like how it should sound!

At the Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen

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