If you must know, I can take really good pictures when I want to! Actually I take good pictures all the time! Especially of me! haha
That is an understatement actually because I'm not much of a camwhorer.
That's right! Its me who becomes the object of everyone's camera lens! haha
Really, I'd rather take pictures of everything around me! There is no doubt to the beauty of Mother Nature that is so captivating. Here they are! Some of my Godly-inspired pictures taken in Denmark!

The forest right behind the timber house I stay in. (Pssst,don't tell my parents but Hui Yin and I got lost for about 5 minutes here! hehe)

The naturally pretty setting of the trees and bushes in the early morning winter weather

On the streets of Copenhagen, where a still river rests in between the heart of the city.

Bold tree branches complimenting the usual brick houses. Its a really pretty vintage building actually.

The naked branches of a tree left to frost overnight.

The sun rising up from the clouds above the clear sea water. On the Store Baelt-2nd longest bridge in the world!

My personal favourite! The frosted web. Never in all my life have I seen so clearly the intricate design of a spider web!

Yes, i take pride in the pictures I take!
You know I take good pictures. :)
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